I’m Back!

Well, that was a long break huh? Where to begin! First, we are over the hump of our kitchen renovation. It started late last summer when I was still pregnant, and we now have an 8 month old and are still chugging away at it. I have many posts to share how we got from […]

Posting Schedule

I’ve been thinking this week what a realistic posting schedule would look like. Right now, I think that a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule is doable for me right now. The posts will be scheduled on those days. Tomorrow, (Friday 10/8) will be a new post as well. You can also follow me on Instagram at aspenandfur to […]

Introducing Aspen and Fur!

Hello Internet! Welcome to my new blog. I’m excited to take you on this journey to explore the things that I love, both in the design and home renovation world, cooking, and general home life. My name is Bridget. Recently I started a new chapter with a new job, in a new industry, and well, […]